Endorsement Labels (PDF)

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Printable Endorsement labels for flight instructors to sign off on pilot performance. (PDF)
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Endorsements have been compiled from a combination of sources, including the ASA Logbooks, FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 61-65, and the regulations (14 CFR).

Blank lines indicate where the instructor must fill in details. The parenthetical statement ahead of each of the blank lines explains what must be defined in this space.

This file has been set up as a “PDF fill-in” document. Instructors may complete the endorsements using a PDF reader by typing in the blanks. Alternately, the endorsement may be printed out, and then written in with pen.

Endorsements may be printed on Avery Labels #5163 (or compatible 2"x4" labels) and pasted into the recipient’s logbook, as well as into the endorsing instructor’s logbook for record-keeping purposes. Print only the page(s) you need by selecting specific page numbers during Print Setup.


  • Pg 2 Flight Review Endorsements
  • Pg 3 Instrument Proficiency Checks
  • Pg 4–5 Student Pilot Endorsements
  • Pg 5–6 Sport Pilot Endorsements
  • Pg 7 Recreational Pilot Endorsements
  • Pg 8 Private Pilot Endorsements
  • Pg 9 Commercial Pilot Endorsements
  • Pg 10 Instrument Rating Endorsements
  • Pg 11 Flight Instructor Endorsements
  • Pg 12 Additional Endorsements